Sunday, January 31, 2016

People of my year 2015

It has been the fastest year so far. Just like that, it ended swiftly and blissfully. 2015 for me has been so different. Different in so many ways nobody could ever imagine. It has been my yearly routine to pay tribute to the people who gave significance to my year (it’s a month late though lol), coz going thru this year would never be complete without them:

1.       Buena Familia
Rommel, JB, Mami Tina and Ray-ray. We are brought together by one common denominator – THE LOVE FOR TRAVEL. Planned or unplanned, luxurious or on a budget, name it! We’re always up for an adventure. Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer, hence I gained a family in them. May we continue to feed each other’s wanderlust this 2016 my friends!

2.      Unit 1503 Girls
Apple, Che and May. We’ve met thru olx. It was in January of 2015, I was looking for a new place to stay. Fast forward to November 2015, we travelled to Cagayan Valley (May’s province). It is in this trip that we discovered each other’s background, personality and CRAZINESS! And we’ve been inseparable ever since. May’s moving to Singapore, but I’m still positive that we could still travel anywhere, soon. Love you girls!

May, Che, Apple and Me at the breath-taking Palaui Island, Sta.Ana, Cagayan Valley

3.       Enerel
My beautiful Mongolian friend, Ene. I went to Shanghai, China on Halloween of 2015. It is the most memorable out of the country trip for me, coz I got to meet Ene. And together, we sightsee Shanghai. If I get to go there again, I would love to explore Shanghai again with her. See you soon Ene!

Ene and Me at East Nanjing Road, Shanghai
4.       Pamangkins
2015 has been a gracious year for me as an aunt. Talking about milestones each of my pamangkins achieved makes me overwhelmed. Aside from the reminder that I am not getting younger (that’s a known fact I suppose hahaha!), their achievements are also a realization for me, that they’re not meant to stay kids forever (walang forever as they say). Kimboy’s now residing in Tokyo, Japan; Bea’s now a full-time Pharmacist at St.Lukes Medical Center; Nikko and Moshe are now more than halfway thru college; Trixie and Benedict already graduated high school and are now college students; Nyle is now in preschool and Nate can now walk. Whew! Time really flies so fast…

5.       Manang Al
2015 is such a memorable year for my sister, for this year she turns 50 years old. Golden girl na! Age is still a number, coz Manang does not look like 50 at all! It is also in 2015 that she is the proudest Mom, coz she got 2 out of 2 Valedictorians! It is very unlikely in a graduation ceremony that the Class Valedictorian happens to be your son and the Guest speaker is your daughter, I never thought it could really happen (as in never ever!) until last March. Manang must be in cloud 9 at that very moment hehehe!

Manang Al with Bea (the ceremony's Guest Speaker) and Benedict (the class Valedictorian)

6.       Mommy/Lola Techie
“How’s my facebook notifications?”, “How many likes has it now”, “I have already uploaded the pictures” or “it’s trending now”. It’s not everyday that you hear these statements from a 73-year-old woman hahaha! In the advent of technology, my mom’s not making herself late. She proves to every senior citizen in this world to not make your age a hindrance to connect with family and friends thru social media. Her bag’s so heavy though, because of the pocket wifi, phones, tablet and cables inside hahaha! 

Mom on the way to Rock Island, Mactan, Cebu

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Seasons Tapdasan

Our Christmas celebration encapsulated. Enjoy!