The past year was full of ups and downs. A series of bad and good fortune came across the way but I have no regrets in experiencing those. Charged to experience, I guess. And as I walk my way to 2014, I share with you the top 10 people who made a mark on my 2013.
1. Maria Rosalie "Bart" Bartolome
I am forever in awe of this woman's toughness. She's been through a lot, but despite all those bad circumstances that came her way, she made sure that nobody is responsible of your doings but yourself. She is one of the few people who proved to me that long distance relationships do work. Trust and the ability to hold on for your one true love, these are the two main keys to a STRONG relationship.
2. Ragaza Family (My Eastwood Fam-Bam)
A very fun family, no doubt. Tito Willie, Tita Mai and Cinzana. I never had second thoughts in renting their place the very first time I viewed it. I never mind spending my new year away from my family for I have them, my second family. I am eternally grateful to God for giving me this family, not blood related but there's a certain connection between them and me that no one can explain.
3. Team Kenn
We were together for only 2 months but I love this team. The moment we were introduced to each other, we clicked in just a snap! We are no longer teammates now, but every time we see each other in the office, we find it so easy to have something to make fun of. I miss them, I just wish we'll have another bonding this 2014.
4. Team Heather (Team Perfection)
At first I was very hesitant to be a part of this team because I was afraid that I might feel intimidated with these folks for some are already tenured and top performers in the process. But when I came to know each one of the team, everyday in the office became fun and easier to work on difficult tasks, not to mention the comedic topics we have in the chatroom! First impressions really never last, that's a known fact.
5. Team Bella (Forever Bellables)
I've never been in a team for a long time. Talking about longevity, I've been a Bellable for more than a year, the longest for the record. Bellables have been through a lot of sudden changes and reshuffling (with emphasis on the SUDDEN). We were never ready when TL Bella left us, but when I see each bellable now and the each person we have become, I am proud of them. For sure Bella is much more proud.I miss these guys BIG time.

6. Pamangkins galore!
Kimboy,Bea,Nikko,Moshe,Trixie,Benedict,Nyle and Baby R (name to be determined). They are my bundle of joy! I became a certified "Tita" at 5 years old. So my relationship with them is so special. I grew up with them, we're like siblings! Because of them I became mature and selfless. I never felt being the youngest in our family, with them I feel like the eldest! And I'll make sure they will become better versions of me.
7. Nyle Quinzel Garlito Tapdasan
The joy that a baby brings to the family is like no other! For this whole year, Nyle has been my wallpaper on every gadget i have, the
content of my stories for all my friends, the topic of discussion within
our whole family, and my happy thought ;) And just last October (even if we still see him as a baby), Nyle is expected to be a kuya. My brother, kuya DJ and his wife ate Joy has done a great job with Nyle and now baby R (name to be determined). We now have an addition to our BIG family.
8. Bianca Gonzalez (my girl crush)
Well i don't know her personally of course. I just included her for she's the woman I wanted to be. I admire her for being so free-spirited and laid-back. She never hesitated to invite change in her looks. Bianca is such a beautiful person inside and out. Not to mention her wit and being such a street-smart kind of lady.
9. Al Di La Filomenita Tapdasan-Bajuyo
My one and only sister in the whole world. Manang Al has been through a lot of ups and downs. I witnessed her breakdown and saw her fight for her kids. Such a strong woman indeed! She's the person I always look up to. Not to mention being my number 1 fan! I love you Manang!
My one and only sister in the whole world. Manang Al has been through a lot of ups and downs. I witnessed her breakdown and saw her fight for her kids. Such a strong woman indeed! She's the person I always look up to. Not to mention being my number 1 fan! I love you Manang!
10. Sergia Villamero-Tapdasan Ed.D
My Mommy Loloy, of course! 2013 is also a happy year for her. She's so tough that she's so manly as her nickname. Sure our relationship is not that perfect, we fight a lot, yes! But I wouldn't trade her for anything in this world. God knows how much I love you 'My ;)
Thank you to these ten people for being such a blessing in my life. Looking forward to a happy 2014 ahead.